hope for the future

I know you're busy Reader...

...and you should join our Newbie to Pro Calligrapher Challenge BECAUSE of that.

Hear me out.

On the surface, I'm gonna teach you how to do calligraphy... better than you think you can. (And I'm an EXCELLENT teacher).

...but what I'm really offering you is HOPE.

Hope that you can do things you never thought you could do. Hope that life can get better and better. Hope that there are delightful things in the world you have yet to discover.

When was the last time you COULDN'T WAIT TO GET BACK TO YOUR DESK, so you could continue creating?

Even if you've had an intense day at work, even if you're tired... this THING that you're learning to do, this JOURNEY you're on... it recharges you.

"It's a wild week for me at work, but I continue to do my homework and look forward to the feedback because both are so valuable! I feel soooo seen... it's reassuring to be reminded that I'm still learning and growing and that this is a journey!" - Newbie to Pro Challenger

I've been teaching calligraphy for 8 years, and I consistently get feedback like this:

"You just blew my mind!!!!! I love you! You're the best teacher ever!!"

... because I don't just teach you technique.

I get you from:

"I can't do calligraphy - it looks way too hard for me"


"Holy crap, maybe I DO have a creative side... look what I was able to do in just five days!"


We start Mon, Sept 2. You have two weeks to get your tools =)

🎧 A message I NEED you to hear.

On this week's Shinah Show Podcast, I'm sharing a fiery, heartfelt, impromptu speech that I gave to my Biz Inner Circle - they're all working hard and fighting inner obstacles to launch their brand-new calligraphy businesses.

And for many of them... LIFE KEEPS GETTING IN THE WAY.

"How can I possibly prioritize my calligraphy over all the other things I must be doing instead?"

👆If you've ever wondered that, you NEED to listen to this episode. Because I need you to take ownership of the vast POWER and control you have over your own life, ok? It's like, the most important fuckin' thing in the whole world.




Shinah ❤️

TL;DR - Learn calligraphy for free, with 5 days of video lessons, bite-sized assignments, actual feedback from me, fun prizes, and (I'm not kidding) a NEW SENSE OF HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. Register with one click right here.

Head's Up! 👉 Our Beginner, Intermediate and Business Calligraphy Courses will be opening for enrollment on September 7, 2024. Get them all in the PRO CALLIGRAPHER BUNDLE for the most amazing deal ($997, save almost $700!)

Shinah - Crooked Calligraphy

Former Harvard-trained corporate lawyer turned sweary calligrapher and calligraphy teacher. I help nib newbies become badass calligraphers (and find more purpose and joy along the way!)

Read more from Shinah - Crooked Calligraphy

Pro Calligrapher Bundle closes doors this Friday 9/13 so we can guide a new class of students week-by-week through a life-changing calligraphy & creative journey! Reader...what if you could bring in an extra $300 - $1,200 every single month, doing something that absolutely delights you.... when you are already crazy busy and don't even consider yourself a creative person? I'm talking to a student today... Who is a full-time caregiver to her mom who has dementia While also working a demanding...

I totally forgot to send you my weekly email yesterday... ...because I've been focused on the Challenge, and getting our Pro Calligrapher Bundle ready for a new group of students, and a new Engraving mini-course I'm working on (more on that later 😉)... ...and I also turned 43 last week. And on the surface, it was a perfect birthday week. I went to Disneyland with my husband, had dinner with my daughter, got showered with gifts from all of our line-dancing friends... But to be honest, I wasn't...

1️⃣ FREE Calligraphy Challenge starts next MONDAY 9/2! 👉 CLICK HERE TO INSTANTLY JOIN THE CHALLENGE Right now, Challengers are voting on the PRIZES that will be given away every single day next week. Like this option: Still on the fence about joining our free challenge? Q: WHAT IF MY TOOLS DON'T ARRIVE IN TIME? A: No worries! All the lessons, worksheets & live session recordings will remain available inside the Challenge until September 16. So, even if your tools don't arrive on time, you can...